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Eastern europe - 6 de articole in

Dacian Ciolos a vorbit, la Bruxelles, despre fondurile care ar putea fi alocate regiunii Dunarii

Acesta a fost invitat la deschiderea expozitiei "Dunarea - Fluviu European- 1856- infiintarea Comisiei Europene a Dunarii". Dacian Ciolos a explicat ca prin intermediul fondurilor europene pentru Dunare se pot finanta inclusiv proiecte din domeniul ...
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Ultimele 5 stiri adaugate si gasite la cautarea dupa eastern europe

Romanian agriculture - in socialist 1950-1980 interval

Agricultural Regions: The historic provinces of Walachia, Transylvania, Moldavia, Dobruja, and the Banat have distinct soil and climatic conditions that make them suitable for different types of agriculture. The breadbasket of Romania is Walachia, ...
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Romania provides the farmland, Canada brings the expertise

The delegation of the officials of the Canadian Agri-Sustainability Partnership - CASP, recently presented the conclusions of its official visit to Romania, which revolve first and foremost around the significant potential of the farming sector and ...
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Soft drinks continue Eastern European surge

The Eastern European market for fruit juices and nectars was up by 10 per cent to €6.4bn last year, an upward trajectory expected to continue in the coming years, says a new report. Beverage market analyst Zenith International says that ...
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High food prices spur more Eastern European cereal production, FAO

Higher food prices have led to larger areas planted with cereals in Russia and Ukraine, which is expected to result in higher agricultural output this year, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. At a meeting held in Paris ...
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F.N.P.A.R recomandă agricultorilor mai multă prudenţă la valorificarea cerealelor

Având în vedere începutul recoltării orzului şi apropierea campaniei de recoltat a grâului, reprezentanţii asociaţiilor producătorilor agricoli, din diferite zone ale ţării au avut întâlniri şi negocieri succesive cu reprezentanţii ...
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